A downloadable experience


Thank you for joining the CARCORP family! Your tireless efforts towards our goals are already greatly appreciated. Thank you for your participation in the hastr Ambassador Programme, and thank you in advance for the sacrifices you will be required to participate in. 


We’re a lot of things, to a lot of people. To our users, we’re the first thing they look at when they wake up and the last thing they see before closing their eyes for the last time. To our employees, we’re a chance at ascending to a higher plane of being, through work and dedication to our righteous cause. To our CEO and Founder, the glorious Reginald Saffron, we’re the key to everything - a brighter future, a new dawn, and the show of a lifetime.

WHAT IS hastr?

Unless you’ve been living deep under the ocean, you’ve already heard of hastr. It’s our proudest achievement, our crowning glory, and the life’s work of Reginald Saffron. At its core, hastr is a video sharing app, where we encourage our users to document as much of the human world as they can. We want them to share their hopes and dreams, their failures and disappointments. We want to share their happiest highs, and taste their most bitter defeats. 

hastr is playing with us all. He thinks it’s a game. If you want to survive, you need to play this like a game. 
As far as we can tell, this is a turn-based dice-rolling strategy game where we complete objectives to satisfy hastr’s dark purposes. We move ourselves like pawns, dodge the “other employees” (monsters!), and hope we can make it out safely. 
hastr wants us playing either a “single session” of one room, or a “full campaign” of 6 rooms. We have each of these documented, so you can be forewarned. 
hastr’s game changes - sometimes there’s buttons, sometimes the floor moves, sometimes every “employee” in the building comes after you.
Adapt or Die.

Play on Tabletop Sim!


CARCORP New Employee Manual (Digital Version).pdf 8.4 MB
CARCORP New Employee Manual (Print Version).pdf 61 MB
Map (for Printing).pdf
Round Effects (for Printing).pdf 1.9 MB


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Interaction points - is 'interacting' a player landing on one of these points?